Should you ask why or what?
Ask Tonic’s Coach Summer 2018 Should you ask why or what? By Rod Macdonald, Certified Coach Practitioner and Tonic’s Resident Coach Q: I am really frustrated. My fiancĂ© of three years broke up with me and moved to another city. I have asked him “why” many times, but he never gives me a solid answer. How can I go on if I don’t know? -Genevieve A: Genevieve, you are in the middle of something many people go through even if the exact details are unique to your situation. We encounter many situations in life where we’d like to know “why” something happened or why someone did something or didn’t do something. It is unfortunate that your ex-fiancĂ© won’t give you more detail, but ultimately that is his decision and while not what you want, you can accept it. You could spend a lot of time and energy on guessing why he did what he did, but without his participation, you still won’t have resolution. In the absence of an answer to “why?” you can ask a different question, which is “what now?” By r...