Total, complete failure
Ask Tonic’s Coach March/April 2020 Total, complete failure By Rod Macdonald, Certified Coach Practitioner and Tonic’s Resident Coach Q: “So New Years has come and gone and yet again, I had set a resolution only to watch it crumble away barely a month later. I feel like a total, complete failure. What can I do to stop being such a loser and turn this around? Or have I just proven to myself, yet again, that I should just accept my inability to set a goal and stick to it?” -Jakob A: Jakob, rather than see your past challenges as proof of some inadequacy, you have the option to see those situations as lessons. It is much more empowering to seek meaning from than stew in the missed expectations. As for resolutions, the most resolutions are not achieved, so you’re in good company. What will make a positive difference for you is a strategy that you can implement any time for any goal. Here are the basic elements of one such strategy: 1. Get really clear about what you want to achieve, bu...